Thursday, December 19, 2013

Eccentric Lady (A Lacey Summers P I Novel) by Edna Curry is free today and tomorrow on Amazon. Link:

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Edna Curry's latest Lacey Summer's PI novel is now free: Link:  #RT

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Edna Curry@EdnaFern4h
My short mystery Christmas story, Circletop Capers, is free until Christmas on Kobo. Check it out!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Getting back in the groove.

Sorry to have disappeared for awhile.
I had my second total hip replacement and then they discovered my thigh bone had broken. So 3 weeks later I had another surgery to put in a plate, pins and cables to fix that. Was in Good Sam for almost 2 months getting PT.
Am home and doing better now, but still having achy legs and have to use a cane most of the time.

Anyway, more than you wanted to know, right? There's really not much golden about these golden years. Except maybe the amount of gold the hospitals and doctors charge, no matter how lousy the job they did was.

The weather has turned very cold. Can't say I like below zero stuff, or the snow we're getting. But, that's Minnesota for you. So have to put up with it.

Working on my Christmas letters. DH is watching Bonnie & Clyde, so I'm hiding in my office to avoid that icky story.

What are you all up to?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jo Beverley's Regency Rogues books are all in e-book at last. The first, An Arranged Marriage, is half price for Kindle for a short time. There's a free sample here.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sneak Peek Sunday-Eccentric Lady by Edna Curry

Eccentric Lady blurb:

A Lacey Summers P.I. Novel

“You do know Agnes Simms?” Her voice was a bit skeptical. Oh, oh. Was she going to change her mind about coming here?

As I added water and grounds to the coffeemaker, I wracked my memory for that name. Landers only has a thousand people, so I know most of them. But some work in the cities and only use our little burg as a bedroom town, doing all their shopping and business elsewhere. So those I’ve had little opportunity to meet. “I think I’ve heard the name, but can’t recall meeting her right now. Could you tell me a bit about her? And what your problem is?”

Patti stood at my office window staring out over Long Lake while I stood at the side table making coffee. She was a perfectly groomed, slim woman with long blonde hair. She wore a navy blue business suit with matching high heels and carried a matching leather purse. Her lips and fingertips were bright red. But she wore a worried look on her face instead of a smile.

“My problem is that you have a stupid sheriff!” she burst out, bitterness dripping from her voice.

My head jerked up and I stared at her. She ambled over to the chair by my desk and sat. I thought of Ben, the tall, gangly, middle-aged man who was our county sheriff. He’d also been my late Uncle Henry’s card playing buddy and thus was almost a part of my family. On weekends when I’d visited my uncle during college, I’d fixed that bunch of men more sandwiches and cookies than I could count.
Upset now, I counted to ten to control my temper and said carefully, “I’ve heard Ben called a lot of things, but stupid is a first. Why do you say that?”

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

New Deborah Smith book out

A new Deborah Smith! THE BISCUIT WITCH (long novella and first in a trilogy). Amazon's $1.99 Deal of the Day today!


Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Sneak Peek Sunday excerpt  below is from Best Friends by Edna Curry

She stood beside him, her perfume drifting into his breathing space. He couldn't avoid noticing her nearness. Awareness prickled along his skin, raising goose-bumps on his arms. He felt her watching him and lifted his eyes to meet hers. He read regret and raw need there, matching his own. Slowly he rose to his feet and stepped closer to her, holding her gaze with his own.

When she didn't move away, he put his arms around her and molded her body to his. For a moment she stiffened, then softened and allowed her body to fit into the planes of his. They fit together exactly right, as they always had. It felt like coming home.

Tipping his head, he kissed her, first in soft, testing nibbles, then hungrily. His pulse sped up and his heart thudded. He felt as though he'd been starving and now tasted his first food in weeks. She answered his kisses with as much need as his. For a long minute, he enjoyed the taste and feel of her, indulged the fantasies that had been driving him crazy since he first knew she was back. At last he lifted his head and looked down into her hazel eyes.

She stared back at him, looking dazed and wondering. "God, Tami, I missed you!" he said, his voice coming out in a croak. "Why did we ever separate?"

"I don't know," she answered, sounding desperate and frustrated. "I don't know."

He stroked a finger lightly along one blonde brow, smoothing back the silky hairs. "The old magic is still there, isn't it?" "Yes," she said through kiss swollen lips, her voice trembling. "But then, I never did have the sense God gave a goose." Panic surged in his gut as he felt her stiffen in his arms. "What is that supposed to mean?" She pulled away. "It means, this is going nowhere, Cal."

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just worked on weeding a flowerbed. They come out easily after all the rain we've had.

Resting in front of the TV, I saw for the umpteenth time, the annoying AARP ad about their car insurance.
You know the one that asks how long you've had your car insurance?
Then says you can save money by updating it.
"That makes sense, the lady says. Old rates..."

Oh, yeah? When have you ever had your new bill come and it's LOWER? LOL.
The new rates are always higher than last year.
So, AARP, your stupid ad has it backwards. Or you're lying. Which is it?
Enough griping for the day.
Back to work on my new cozy mystery...

Friday, May 31, 2013

My collection of 7 short storis is free on Kindle today and tomorrow.
Get your copy here:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone! I spent it cooking, as usual. LOL.
But also spent some time getting more of my books up in paperback at
Check them out here:
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Damn it, it's snowing in MN again. Wah!
I want spring.
Last day for this big 99cents book sale!

Look! There's a HUGE BOOK SALE with over 175 books bargain priced at 99 cents for 3 days only. Enter to WIN $400 in gift card prizes! Some authors will be stopping by to share their book blurbs so please like and help us to spread the word!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Look! There's a HUGE BOOK SALE with over 175 books bargain priced at 99 cents for 3 days only. Enter to WIN $400 in gift card prizes! Some authors will be stopping by to share their book blurbs so please like and help us to spread the word!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Anne Stuart's classic A ROSE AT MIDNIGHT is today's Kindle Daily Deal in Romance. Save $3.00 over the cover price.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mystery novel free on Amazon today!

I've got Bear Trap free on Amazon. It's up to #8 in the mystery category. Yay! Here's the link to download your copy if you'd like to help me boost it.
Bear Trap by Edna Curry Permalink:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

If you're anywhere near St. Peter, Minnesota, this Sat. April 6, be sure to stop in at the Community Center. I'll be there with over 60 other authors who will be there from 1 to 5 p.m., selling and signing our books. Come and see us.
I'll have these books there, among others:
Never Love a Logger.

Meet Me, Darling
Meet Me Darling by Edna Curry
My #contemporary #romance #novel, Mirror Image by Edna Curry is #free in #Kindle ed. April 4. #IRink

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Last Day

Last day to download my 7 Short Stories by Edna Curry #free on #kindle.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Free Short stories today

My kindle book of 7 short stories is free on Amazon today and tomorrow (March 26-27)
Check it out!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sneak Peek Sunday

Excerpt from "Meet Me, Darling" by Edna Curry. Published by Melange Books.

“She’s here?” The big man growled to himself. Heat surged up his neck and he fisted his hands. What rotten luck. Why hadn’t he killed her when he’d had the chance, twenty years ago?
He stared at the Cameron Company payroll list on the computer screen in front of him. Then hope flared. Maybe it was only a coincidence. Maybe they hadn’t hired HER, only someone with the same name.
Hacking into the company’s human resources database, he pulled up her file. Jolene Carson, twenty-five years old. Yep, the right age. Next of kin, parents, Sam and Nancy Carson. Damn, it was her.
He liked it here in Minneapolis and didn’t want to move on again. Maybe she wouldn’t recognize him. They worked on different floors and in different departments. Maybe he could avoid her, or maybe she wouldn’t remember him. He’d changed a lot, hadn’t he? Twenty years was a long time and she’d been so young then. He’d gained thirty pounds sitting at an office desk and no longer wore farmer’s jeans or had a dark suntan from working outdoors.
No, he couldn’t take that chance. If she told, she could ruin everything for him. He’d have to get rid of her.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Where the heck is spring?

Where the heck is spring? The weather guys keep telling us how warm it was in MN last year, 80 degrees on St. Patrick's Day 60's most days around it. acck. Here we are this year with snow falling ever couple of days and a foot of the damned white stuff covering the ground.
Yeah, I know, you snow lovers love it. But enough is enough! Let's have spring already!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Another snowstorm brewing here in MN.
Only flurries, so far, but the weatherman says it's coming. Supposed to get 6-10 inches. Thank goodness for snow plows.

My pet peeve of the day: The horrible laugh of the lady in the Volkswagen commercial. Yikes!

Another horrible ad: the AARP one that asks, How long have you had your car insurance? Then claims "old rates, may be paying too much.
Hey, the last time I looked, companies raise their rates every time they send a bill. So, I'd sure rather have the old, lower rates. LOL.

Then there's the ugly woman in the no smoking ad putting on her wig and voice box. You can't even understand what she's supposed to be saying.

What are your votes for worst ads?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sneak Peek Sunday

Sneak Peak Sunday:

Excerpt from:

Eccentric Lady by Edna Curry
A Lacey Summers, P I Novel

“Would you like some coffee?” I’d already had my morning caffeine, but I wanted to put her at ease and offering coffee usually does that. Instead of taking the chair I’d indicated, she wandered over to the large window overlooking Long Lake and stared out, her arms folded over her chest. At my question, she turned, eyed me and nodded. “Coffee would be nice.”
I moved to the side table and plugged in the coffeemaker.
“You do know Agnes Simms?” Her voice was a bit skeptical. Oh, oh. Was she going to change her mind about coming here?
As I added water and grounds to the coffeemaker, I wracked my memory for that name. Landers only has a thousand people, so I know most of them. But some work in the cities and only use our little burg as a bedroom town, doing all their shopping and business elsewhere. So those I’ve had little opportunity to meet. “I think I’ve heard the name, but can’t recall meeting her right now. Could you tell me a bit about her? And what your problem is?”
Patti stood at my office window staring out over Long Lake while I stood at the side table making coffee. She was a perfectly groomed, slim woman with long blonde hair. She wore a navy blue business suit with matching high heels and carried a matching leather purse. Her lips and fingertips were bright red. But she wore a worried look on her face instead of a smile.
“My problem is that you have a stupid sheriff!” she burst out, bitterness dripping from her voice.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Free kindle book

My #contemporary #romance #novel, Mirror Image by Edna Curry is #free in #Kindle edition Feb. 2-4. Check it out: #IRink

Free romance novel

My #contemporary #romance #novel, Mirror Image by Edna Curry is #free in #Kindle edition Feb. 2-4. Check it out: #IRink

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Lacey Summer's PI novel, Dead Man's Image is on sale for only 99 cents. Check it out!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year, everybody.

Is anyone else as frustrated with Congress as I am?
We see ridiculous amounts of fraud and waste, yet all they can think of is pleasing their big supporters and giving them what they want.

What about fairness to the people who have paid their taxes all their lives? Congress took most of our Social Security fund over the years when there was a surplus and spent it on their pet projects. They promised it would be paid back before it was needed. Well, now it's needed and they aren't paying it back. Instead, they're looking for ways to renege on doing that.

Congress, of course, exempted themselves from SS and has their own cushy retiremnet program. Are they cutting that? Oh, of course not. Why would they? They get to make the rules, so of course they look out for themselves, first.
