Saturday, September 29, 2012

Check out some of my favorite authors on the About Me page at my website:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Jill Barnett's wonderful #romance Wicked is Amazon's Daily Deal, only $1.99 today! #Kindle


Monday, September 24, 2012

The very funny and charming BEWITCHING by Jill Barnett is an Amazon Daily Deal today! $ 1.99

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Lilliput Bar Mystery Amazon tiny url:
Cassie Jenning’s job as a small-town locksmith often puts her in odd and scary situations. In this story, she was behind the Lilliput Bar when the owner was shot. Now Sheriff Ben would like nothing better than to solve the case quickly by arresting her.
Homicide Detective Chance Martin burned out on violence in Minneapolis, so took a small town job thinking he’d find peace. Instead, he’s in charge of solving this murder. He meets Cassie and can’t believe she’s involved. But can he prove it?

Seven Short Stories by Edna Curry

This is a collection of my own short stories. It contains a variety of stories from sweet romantic women's fiction, Candlelight and Silverware, 2 murder mysteries, Circletop Capers and Love, Fish and Fangs, a teen story, Moonlight Madness and 3 literary horror stories, Inseperable Twins, A Pink Lady and Dallesview Hotel

Friday, September 7, 2012

Banning abortions

The republican/tea party proposal and vow to ban abortions sends chills down my spine.
I lived through the 50s when abortions were banned. I know many of you didn't, you're much too young. So you have rose colored glasses on about how life would be in that situation.

Let me tell you how it really was, down in the trenches of young women who had little say about their own bodies. Rape was common and mostly unreported. If a woman reported it, she was treated by police and many others as being at fault. She'd asked for it, was the common comment.

If a girl got pregnant, many times she was forced into marriage, whether she or the man involved wanted that.

Or she could try for an illegal black market abortion. These were done by fly-by-night and often untrained people, willing to break the law for fast big bucks. The woman was led to a back room, aborted often with unsterized equipment and then immediately sent away, bleeding and in great pain. If she developed an infection, as many did, she was often afraid to seek medical help until it was too late. Many died. Others became sterile from the scars.

Or a 'friend' might claim she knew how to cause a spontaneous abortion. A friend of mine died after being poked with a coat hanger until her uterus was perforated and she bled to death.

Is that the kind of scenario you want our country to return to?

If you don't learn from history, you repeat it.
Remember prohibition? Did that work? LOL.
Think about it. Take off your rose colored glasses and face reality of what would really happen.