Monday, February 10, 2014

Oh, yeah. It's because I hate other things worse than snow and ice. Like poisonous snakes, chiggers, tarantulas, spiders, etc.
So I stay in my nice warm house like right now when it's 10 below zero.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Another miserably cold night, but the weatherman claims relief is in sight. It's supposed to stay above zero for the next week and even get above freezing a couple of those days. Whoopee!

Somebody remind me again, why I live in MN?

Friday, February 7, 2014

My PI mystery novel, Eccentric Lady by Edna Curry, is free today and tomorrow at Amazon. Check it out!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Excerpt from Eccentric Lady by Edna Curry
A Lacey Summers' PI Novel

She nodded, so I went through my usual spiel for the tape: “It’s Monday morning, April 18th. New client Patti Jones is about to explain her problem. State your name, address and phone numbers slowly and clearly for the tape, please.”

“Sure. I’m Patti Jones. I’m 25 and have my own interior design business in Chicago.” She rattled off her address, the address of her business and various phone numbers.

I explained my rates and she waved them aside as though money details were of no importance to her. “I can pay you, don’t worry about that.” Pulling out a checkbook, she wrote a check for my retainer and laid it on my desk, saying, “I just need someone to believe me and help me find Agnes. She just has to be okay!”

I tucked her check in my purse. “What makes you think she isn’t?”

Again her lip trembled and she bit down on it to control it. “She told me to meet her for dinner Saturday night at a hotel in the Twin Cities. We were going shopping at Maplewood Mall afterward. We often do that, meet somewhere, I mean. She likes to get away from this little burg and spend a weekend in a hotel once in a while. Sometimes we go shopping, sometimes we see a play or a movie, or go to the symphony.”

“I see. But this time she didn’t meet you there?”

Patti shook her head. “No. And she never showed up at her hotel, either. She’d made reservations for both of us. I kept calling her cell phone, but she didn’t answer. Nor did she cancel her reservation or answer my emails. Something is very wrong, I just know it.”

It's finally above zero, but not for long. Sigh. I'm so sick of below zero winter weather, I could scream. Wish I could afford to be a snowbird and go south.

Our handyman cleaned some of the 30 inch deep snow off our roof this a.m. so at least the edges won't form ice dams and the air vents to the bathroom and kitchen are cleared.

Usually, we get enough melting days to take care of most of the snow, but this year it seems like it wants to stay cold all the time. Sigh.